velero backup commands

$ velero restore create restore01 --from-backup backup01 --wait Restore request "restore01" submitted successfully. Let's create a backup from a schedule. kubectl label pods <NAME-OF-POD> backup=true. Essential must-gather data collection collects pod logs and Velero CR information for a specific duration of time, for example, one hour or 24 hours. The backup backend storage strategy. What steps did you take and what happened: [A clear and concise description of what the bug is, and what commands you ran.) Latest Release Information Download Velero Disaster Recovery Reduces time to recovery in case of infrastructure loss, data corruption, and/or service outages. Before we get into the step-by-step tutorial, let's first quickly look at Kubernetes backups more . Retrospect Backup makes it easy to add an immutable retention policy with MinIO . A differential base is a full backup of read/write data. Velero is an open source tool for safely backing up and restoring resources in a Kubernetes cluster, performing disaster recovery, and migrating resources and persistent volumes to another Kubernetes cluster. Shell 1 1 kubectl delete ns test-nginx Clean up the Shared Storage data (in the. To install it using the Velero cli, just run this command: The AWS plugin is being used because MinIO implements the S3 API. velero backup create <NAME> selector backup=true. This section covers how to install and configure Velero and how to use Velero to take backup/restore on an Openshift Container Platform by using noobaa object storage. TrilioVault can be fully managed via Kubectl commands without the need for a separate CLI or API and has native OpenShift integration, making it easy to use. We use the velero install command to install the velero server within the velero namespace. A differential backup contains only the data that has changed since the differential . The BackupController looks the new Backup object and performs validation. Velero is an open source tool for safely backing up and restoring resources in a Kubernetes cluster, performing disaster recovery, and migrating resources and persistent volumes to another Kubernetes cluster. Run the following command to create an S3 bucket for Velero. After some time Velero offers key data protection features, such as scheduled backups, retention schedules, and pre- or post-backup hooks for custom actions. Optionally, you can backup all deployments . This is required even if you're not using AWS. Now we have to create an S3 bucket and IAM user to configure the Velero Backup. And to include all namespaces except specific ones we could use --exclude-namespaces with the namespace (s) we don't want. Once everything is backed up, we can verify if the data exists using the . Check whether the Velero service is running properly by running the following command: kubectl -n velero get pods kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero Use Velero to create a workload cluster backup. velero backup create demo-backup --include-namespaces=demo --default-volumes-to-restic You can request backup state and details using the velero backup describe command. You can accomplish this task with the following command: Copy code snippet Here we will try to follow this approach with a . Once the backup has completed you can also check the logs of the backup by running: velero backup logs <BACKUP_NAME> This command can be useful for troubleshooting any backup issues. 2. . We need to create a credential file minio-cred to store login credentials for the minio storage server as shown below: touch minio-cred Edit the minio-cred file with the command sudo vim minio-cred. If you want to deploy via the CLI, see the Velero documentation , we are going to . You can monitor this in the same way as you monitor the backup, using a watch -n 5. Waiting for backup to complete. Create a backup of the volumes in the running etcd deployment on the source cluster. Specifically, it will: Create a velero Namespace. There are two primary approaches to store backups in the Kubernetes environment. [default] aws_access_key_id=AK45AFSEFHDYNYGL6TH. Prometheus metrics and duplicate logs are not included. Installing Velero#. Replace <BUCKETNAME> and <REGION> with your own values below. In this approach, Velero will back up all pod volumes using restic with the exception of: Velero offers key data protection features, such as scheduled backups, retention schedules, and pre or post backup hooks for custom actions. Waiting for restore to complete. Create an AWS S3 stored backup of your application's Kubernetes deployment metadata by using the following Velero command: # velero backup create backup01 --include-namespaces application-space --wait Backup request "backup01" submitted successfully. Run `velero backup describe rwx-backup` or `velero backup logs rwx-backup` for more details. The BackupController begins the backup operation. apiVersion: kind: Schedule metadata: name: daily namespace: velero spec: schedule: '@midnight' template: hooks: {} includedNamespaces: - '*' ttl: 720h0m0s. Replace <BUCKETNAME > and <REGION > with your own values below. Run `velero restore describe cassandra-restore` or `velero restore logs cassandra-restore` for more details. Configure role-based access control (RBAC) rules to grant permissions to the velero Service Account. Run `velero backup describe cluster1-backup` or `velero backup logs cluster1-backup` for more details. Create a secrets file called 'velero-credentials' and paste the AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey. To create S3 bucket, From AWS Console, go to AWS -> S3 -> create bucket Create an IAM user. At this point, if you try to get backups on the new cluster, you should see the same data. It should look like below. Data Migration Be sure to use a unique bucket name like <company-fqdn>-eks-velero-backups. When creating a backup set, simply check "Immutable Retention Policy" and specify the number of days. velero get backups 11. The first is to use an object store, like AWS S3, DigitalOcean Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage, etc. KubernetesVelero Cloud Native Velero 3 . In this case, we will use HELM for the deployment of Sailboat, saving the backups in an S3 Bucket, generating the ServicesAccout through the gcloud consolidation. A step-by-step installation tutorial for Kubernetes backup with Velero, previously known as Heptio Ark, within an AWS environment. Monitoring views also enable users to easily track via backup and restore logs. The Velero CRDs let you run certain commands, such as the following: kubectl get -n velero . One of the features that Velero has is that backups can be made through an S3 or GCP bucket, so we can have a history of the backups in the CloudProvider that we choose. velero backup create test-backup. 1. So, you want to back up the statically created persistent volume separately. Fixed by #3167 or #3190 Member commented on Apr 13, 2020 #3167 carlisia added Enhancement/User Area/CLI carlisia self-assigned this on Apr 13, 2020 skriss added this to the v1.5 milestone on May 28, 2020 To test Velero backup capabilities I've deployed a small nginx service in a separate namespace. Add the velero Service Account. At the moment we have four OKD v3.11 Cluster which are running in Azure. Velero Backup workflow. Backup cluster and Restore Cluster can be a kubernetes cluster on baremetal / Vagrant local / Cloud provider. When I backup resources with the command velero backup create --include-namespaces="nginx*" test to test #4316, I get 0 items to back up. Velero is made up of two components: A server that runs on a cluster; A command-line client that runs locally Velero includes controllers that process the CRDs to back up and restore resources. It collects the data to back up by querying the API server for resources. You can back up or restore all objects in your cluster, or you can filter objects by type, namespace, or label. LINSTOR will automatically restore the storage class volume from the LVM volume snapshot that was created as part of your backup. kubectl logs deploy/velero -n velero Create the backup into the OSS bucket Use the below commands to create the backup: 1. velero backup create my-backup 2. velero backup logs my-backup Restore the backup in the same cluster or another cluster Create a new cluster and restore the backup using velero Velero supports running a "one-time" backup with a single command or on a recurring schedule. velero backup create --from-schedule example-schedule This command will immediately trigger a new backup based on your template for example-schedule. velero backup create guestbook-backup --include-namespaces guestbook Backup request "guestbook-backup" submitted successfully. Next, use Velero to restore your backup. From AWS Console, go to AWS -> IAM Console -> add user Add the below permission to the user and replace $ {BUCKET} with the S3 bucket name which we created for velero. Now we have a fully functional Velero-aware Vault cluster and our Velero service has been configured. Simply switch out the AWS-specific commands for those of whatever cloud platform you are running you K8s on. Velero consists of two parts: A server that runs on you cluster; A command-line that runs locally; If you would like to get detailed explanation how Velero works please refer to the original project documentation . here's a command. # Flow Diagram. If you are using kube2iam, you will have to install it as well. Full must-gather data collection collects Prometheus metrics, pod logs, and Velero CR information for all namespaces where the OADP Operator is installed.. Install Velero Use the following command to install Velero via the Velero CLI or alternatively use the helm chart. You can also monitor the creation of new namespace, PVs and PODs using kubectl. Figure 132. While doing this, Velero does not interact directly with the etcd database (like some other tools). Velero can be installed either via a helm chart or via the Velero CLI, my preferred method is to use the helm chart as it means I can store the configuration in a yaml file and deploy it repeatably without having to memorise commands.. Velero (formerly Heptio Ark) gives you tools to back up and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. Instead it queries the kube-apiserver. Velero can backup your applications (deployment/pods/), your persistent volumes, whole namespaces or even the entire cluster. By default in the current release, Velero tries to restore with dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes. A command-line client that runs locally. $ velero backup create rwx-backup --include-namespaces rwx-backup Backup request "rwx-backup" submitted successfully. Once Velero is running, create a backup of the WordPress deployment: velero backup create wpb --selector release=wordpress. I executed below command to initiate backup $ velero backup create cluster1-backup --include-namespaces default --snapshot-volumes Backup request "cluster1-backup" submitted successfully. New IAM user "velero" and permissions for the said user for S3; Our setup for the article will be: The Velero client makes a call to the Kubernetes API server to create a Backup object. Velero client is also used to enable many feature of velero Backups can be taken in 2 ways On-Demand Backup Scheduled backup By default velero backup and keeps the data for 30 days .. Ta-da, an S3 compliant object store, running on K8s.. Each Velero operation-on-demand backup, scheduled backup, restoration-is a custom resource that is defined with a Kubernetes custom resource definition, or CRD, and stored in etcd. Next, back up the persistent volumes using Velero. The backups will be stored in the storage provider you are using, but you can also download the backup by running: velero backup download <BACKUP_NAME> It simplifies the task of taking backups/restores, migrating resources to other clusters, and replication of clusters. The same thing happens when an existing schedule is updated, for example when changing the schedule from @every 24h . The following information will help us better understand what's going on: Retrospect Backup will mark any backups to MinIO as immutable until that date in the future and delete any backups that are no longer protected by the retention. What did you expect to happen: The resources in k8s namespace which match the 'nginx*' wildcard should be back up. velero backup describe demo-backup --details It's worth running a backup of a test namespace with some test workloads. Creating a Velero backup You can create a backup with the Velero CLI, or with the predefined Velero Backup CR from the Bank-Vaults repository. We should see Velero's pods come up. For the PVCs we're using Azure File and Azure Disk. Visit your storage container and snapshots to verify your backup is successful. When the backup command is issued, Velero runs through the following steps: Call the Kubernetes API to create the Backup CRD; Velero BackupController validates the request; It's time to create a backup. To create an application backup with Velero, you'll need to include the namespace that this application is in. For those of you who try to use the below credentials to gain access to my account, the user has been deleted :). Once you create the scheduled backup, you can then trigger it manually using the velero backup command. . In contrast, Velero doesn't have any kind of user interface and lacks logging capabilities. The velero install command will perform the preliminary set-up steps to get your cluster ready for backups. It looks the backup process failed If you have a nginx-example namespace and want to include all the resources in that namespace in the backup, run the following command in the terminal: velero create backup <name of backup> --include . Confirm that the Velero deployment is successful by checking for a running pod using the command below: kubectl get pods -n velero Step 2: Back up the etcd deployment on the source cluster. This will back up every pod who has label backup=true in its metadata along with CRDs in etcd folder. For explaining the backup and restore of the cluster with Velero the following tools are used: kubectl: 1.18.6 [ install kubectl] aws cli: 2.0.42 [ install aws cli] eksctl: 0.20.0 [ install eksctl] Besides these CLI tools I assume you already have a Kubernetes cluster up and running. Let's completely remove the example application to test the restoration process properly. Step 3: Backup the WordPress deployment on the source cluster. AWS S3 bucket for velero to store Backup data and related configurations. Velero uses S3 to store EKS backups when running in AWS. TIP: The previous command uses a label to select and backup only the resources related to the WordPress deployment. Install Velero on the new cluster, using the same config. In this case, backup tools prepare backups and push them to such storage. It appears the backup is also started at the scheduled time. we have following problem with velero and restic backups. Whether you chose to run a single backup or a recurring backup, yo We will backup everything in the rwx-backup namespace. Run `velero backup describe guestbook-backup` or `velero backup logs guestbook-backup` for more details. Install Velero in Your Cluster. To deploy the nginx just run the following commands $ kubectl create ns nginx $ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80 -n nginx $ kubectl expose pod nginx --port=80 --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalancer -n nginx Create a backup with Velero. When you run command velero backup create test-backup:. Instructions to back up using this approach are as follows kubectl -n your_namespace annotate pod/your_pod_name,your_volume_name2 opt-out volume backup approach This approach is available since version 1.5. Velero is a tool that enables backup and restore Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. To create the backup with the Bank-Vaults CR, run this command: BACKUP=gastly velero backup create $BACKUP --include-namespaces ghost If we wanted to do a backup with all namespaces we can remove the --include-namespaces flag. Installing and Configuring Velero Solution Flow Diagram

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