normal battery voltage

This does not seem normal to me. The key to long life for any battery is to make sure battery voltage doesn't drop below 12.4 volts. 2.1 - Normal: The inverter is running correctly and as planned. If you have driven the vehicle for a while, and the battery voltage with the engine running is above 14.0 volts, shut down the engine and turn on the lights for 5 minutes, start the engine monitoring the voltage, it is warm and the voltage should not go below 9.6 if it does the battery is junk. When I would let off the throttle while in gear, the voltage would jump up as high as 14.2 volts, then back down when back on the throttle. Car turned off and 1.6 kW charging initiated. Temperature Compensation Pictured: Victron Energy Temp. If the batteries are being used while in the float stage, slightly higher settings may be required. A normal parasitic draw is about 50mA or 0.05 amps, but the range can be anywhere from about 0.03 to 0.085 amps (30-85mA). target voltage. In the morning (1st start up, voltage is 13.5v-14.5v) As im driving it dips to 12.5v-12.7v. Many publications have said that 12.7 is considered to be a full charge. Of course, this depends on what features your car has. When the car engine is running, battery voltage should be above 13.6 V, and 12.6 V should be when the car engine is off. Here's a graph of aux battery parameters during "run" mode while parked and then charging at 1.6kW. Lights and heavy draw on the electrical system might take those numbers down another .2 volts or so. The battery voltage will quickly return to normal once the high current disappears. This is normal. The load test would help you know if your battery is bad or not. The battery is boosted to these higher levels by the alternator. Jan 30, 2008 If you are reading less than 12v across the battery I would disconnect it from the car and measure it again. When I was stopped at idle, voltage would drop to as low as 12.1 volts. Your idle should be up at 750+/-50 and battery voltage should never be less than 13.2 volts. More important than voltage is cranking amps. 1. Charging voltage depending on the battery and temperature can vary anywhere from 12.9 to 15.5 volts. This helps save fuel. It just trying to keep the voltage produced by alternator on the same level, not higher than some value, let say 13.7 volts. If the voltage is not 12.5+, the battery is dying. 2. Most voltmeters have a preset "20" in the DCV section, so change it to that value. 2.2 - Waiting: The inverter is currently not charging or discharging. 100% stock bought new in March 2014. The ideal car battery voltage with the engine running is between 13.7 and 14.7V. #3. This is just a surface charge. Your battery is in need of charging and the charging system on your bike is NOT working. RV Battery Voltage Overview: . And once had 12.5V which the dealer said was OK and gave me a Jeep bulletin that stated normal voltage could be between 12.4 and 14.5 volts. With the engine off, you should get a reading of 12.6 volts. Main points are: 1. Just curious as to the normal output after battery has recovered from starting. 3. Measure its voltage with a volt meter while open-circuit, no load (general approximation). Directly below are the common causes for the Volkswagen Passat battery warning light. The computer will tell the alternator to put out what it needs depending on the battery levels and electrical loads. You don't want your Charging to go over 14.5 much or any really. Reaction score. Turn off engine and check battery voltage - 12.8v. ( ( Battery Hydrometer )) Normal running voltage can be anywhere from 13.6 to 14.4 volts, which easily puts you in the charge range. I ask because I recently replaced my OEM battery after it went dead after not driving the Jeep for a few days. The voltage calculated from equilibrium conditions is typically known as the nominal battery voltage. I did some battery testing on my 92 F-150 this weekend and have a concern. Normal voltage of the car battery when the car is sitting idle. OPTIMA obviously makes BLUETOP batteriesas well and the normal voltage for those batteries is also about 13.0-13.2 volts, except for the 34M BLUETOP, which is the marine version of our Group 34 REDTOP starting battery. This is true for all vehicles. Once the battery is at 100% and the van still running (alternator charging) the "cell over voltage" protection from the BMS frequently kicks in and stops charging. Honda Ridgeline needs a healthy 12 volt battery for normal operation of the vehicle. My dash has a gauge mode that shows battery voltage. Depending on conditions, voltage can range from 11.5V - 15.5V. Turn on the headlights for 15 minutes with the engine off. Nominal Voltage - 132 kV Rated Voltage - 132 kV +/- 10 % [118.8 - 145.2 kV ] Operating Voltage - Can be in the range of 118.8 to 145.2 kV. Sorry to hear of your car troubles! All, Car is a 2014 G T premium manual with track pack. When you crank your engine, the voltage can dip as low as 8 volts. If your battery volt is 12 volt or less than 12 volts, then you seriously need to charge it as soon as possible. For a 12 volt liquid electrolyte battery at rest, a voltage of 13.2 -13.4 is normally appropriate; gel cells are typically maintained between 12.9 and 13.1. The regulator doesn't care about your battery. Under normal conditions, you should see voltage drop over the course of weeks. Most often sustained high charging voltage is caused by the computer not seeing the true battery voltage. So, if you are measuring a fully charged battery of the car while the engine of your car is sitting idle, this means that the battery must give 12.6 volts. When it gets up to like yours 14.2 to 14.4 then the charge of the battery can speed up. There are six 2.1V cells in a 12V vehicle battery. Take your voltmeter and put it on the DC voltage setting (20 volt range). Battery voltage can be 12.1 V in the morning; the rest of the voltage can be lost overnight. Your battery can show the actual 12.6 volts and turn off when you intend to use it. If the battery reads 12 volts and below, the car may not start. Make sure the car is off, then go ahead and pop the hood. Keep the trunk and battery compartment open when charging. The lights might dim briefly as the starter cranks the engine, but they should quickly regain brightness. Immediately after charging it is normal to show a voltage in the 13+ range. An ammeter can help to determine if the problem lies with the battery or the car Voltage drop is not uncommon in car batteries. Any point less than these readings can affect your battery status badly. 50%. Ram 1500 needs a healthy 12 volt battery for normal operation of the vehicle. With the high beams on and the heater blower on high you. In practice, the load is much less than 0.17 A. I would say that even 0.1 A would be excessive. On long road trips, I have had the voltage drop as low as 12.7. What is the Nominal Voltage of a Battery? Cold weather will affect your batteries cranking amps more than hot weather. During starting a healthy car battery voltage should be 10v or higher. Battery Voltage The voltage of a battery is a fundamental characteristic of a battery, which is determined by the chemical reactions in the battery, the concentrations of the battery components, and the polarization of the battery. 12.8 is ideal for a full battery. A battery is an electrochemical device which generates a voltage potential when placing metals of various affinities in an acid solution. On startup 14.5 to 14.8 is probably normal. To be clear, the battery resting voltage is 12.1V. The combination of a significant parasitic draw and long periods of non-use can easily cause voltage to drop below 12.4 volts. For some, a constant 13.6 volts is an indication of a problem. Your battery should measure 13.7 to 14.7 volts while driving. Contents 1 - Time: The time and date the data packets showing on the portal were collected. Although NiCd batteries are inexpensive, dependable, and capable of high currents, they contain hazardous metals and only tolerate a limited number of charging/discharging cycles. By Scott "Gonzo" Weaver on Nov 21, 2017 Sounds normal for GM's Regulated Voltage Control (RVC). At 14.7 it can cause a Dry cell battery as it will most likely boil out the battery. 2 - Status: The status of the inverter currently it can be either; normal, alert, waiting and lost. Anything less than this tells you that the battery is not fully charged. < 12.0 volts. In run mode the aux battery voltage is around 14.8 V and it's charging at a slowly decreasing current, 15 down to 8 amps during the several minutes. 2. In hot climates batteries only last about 3 years. You may have just a bad battery. 12.1 volts. What is normal voltage for automobile battery? A battery is considered fully charged at 12.6 volts or higher. It operates in 6 (or more) different modes. But after driving, voltage should go down to about 13.8 to 14.2. 1 - 8 of 8 Posts. Measure the voltage after an overnight charge, and 1 hour after disconnecting the charger. Is it normal for battery gauge to fluctuate? Voltage when the car is running The voltage, when the engine is running, should be in the range of 13.5-14.7 volts. Check The Serpentine Belt. Thanks You can connect a charger whilst the battery is in the car. For others, it's normal to see as high as 16 volts for long stretches. On my 2018 Equinox I would see 14.5 or so. Edit: looked up an online version of the owners manual for the Malibu and all it says under the battery voltage DIC page is "battery voltage changes are normal while driving". It could have been sitting on a shelf for god knows how long. It constantly compares that value to the system voltage. Usually, if I turn the lights on when it's in the 12's, then it jumps back up to 14.5 or so, and stays there. Resting fully charged 12-volt batteries are around 12.8-12.9 volts, and flat dead ones are at 12.0 volts, so 12.4 volts on a resting battery means it's about 50% charged. Took a 3 hour trip out and back last Saturday and noticed that while driving the battery voltage was between 12.8-12.9; it is 14.4-14.6 when the car is just started. If the battery is newer and at full charge you may see less than the standard 30 amps. 1. I just wanted to know, if my battery voltage is normal? This is normal.". If system voltage is lower regulator connects the wire of the rotating coil to the current source. Measure the battery's chemistry (specific gravity) with a hydrometer (accurate method). Voltage drop overnight can be caused by parasitic drain or equipment faults. 25%. ? . BrApple said: 1. 12.5V is an acceptable charge level, thought slightly low. The colder the temperature is, the higher the charging voltage as to be over a defined temperature range of -40 to 125*C. If you applied 12.9 VDC to a battery at -40*C, would would not be charging it, would be discharging it instead. Have your battery tested at an auto parts store for free. Engine off with good battery reading should be 12.3-12.5 volts. 0. In the case of a 5-minute backup system, the current can reach 3-4C and the voltage drops rapidly to 9.6V. Not necessarily, no. It improves fuel mileage by about 1%, without degrading battery life. 1. In normal circumstances, your battery read when fully charged are 12.8 maximum and 12.3 minimum. How To Test Your Car Battery Voltage . A fully charged 12V battery or battery-pack will read 12.7V or above; once that reaches 12V or below, that power unit is considered dead. anything from 13-14 volts is fine. Yes, a battery can show a good voltage and still be bad. The battery voltage will jump around from 14.7 down to 12.8 at various times. The nominal voltage of NiCd batteries is 1.2 volts, with a nominal capacity of 300-500 mAh for AAA and 600-1000 mAh for AA batteries. When fully charged, they are are 4.2 volts. Nov 20, 2012. You can see the voltages on the DIC alternate between 15V and 12.x V while driving down the road. If the battery gives 12.4 volts it means that the battery is not fully charged, and it is . The post above is on the right track regarding checking all your wires and connections. Is this normal and simply how the BMS controls charging or is something wrong? The current battery is getting weak after only ear or so, so I checked the running voltage, ~14.5, but then I had the though to keep the meter on while driving. 0%. The battery stores electrical energy. This is also where the voltage stays for the longest period during the discharge. So here is what I did. At 12.4 volts, the battery is considered charged, but only at 75%. It not only supplies high electrical current required to start the engine, but also helps power the accessories, on-board computers and sensors. A standard automotive battery is comprised of 6 cells, each capable of holding 2.1 volts when fully charged. It will crank up the alternator in an effort to make up . Turn the ignition to start the vehicle. 335. The Silverado manual says "The gauge can transition from a higher to lower or a lower to higher reading. Check battery voltage - 12.6v. Track the current flow in and out of the battery with a 'shunt' and associated metering circuit (common with alt-energy systems). Even the slightest drop in voltage can make a big difference in the vehicle. Anyway, it's normal. A battery by industry standard is . But it should happen over a long time. 12.8 not running is high but fine and the problem is probably the gate motor. Start engine, check battery with NO load - 14.2v. In really hot weather it might run as low as 13.6. What are you experiencing as normal voltage (indicated in the Driver's Information Center) when driving? Same 14.2 when above idle and everything on. Engine running actually loaded with minimal accessories 14-14.2 at idle. For some alternators, it's normal to see as low as 13 volts. 1.5 volts for standard AA and AAA batteries, and 1.25 volts for rechargeable batteries. If there is a problem, an alert will be displayed. If you get below 13 volts after its been running for a while, then you should investigate. I really dislike the smart charging system. As the battery degrades, the charge it can hold also . They seem to be more common that most would think. Sep 19, 2015. 14.9 - 15.4 volts is high enough to cause gassing, which will eventually run the battery dry. Because your voltage is fluctuating, I would be willing to bet the alternator is working, but my question is, what is the new battery's voltage? Also, I parked the JTR for 3 weeks while waiting for parts and the main battery was dead. I am typically seeing about 13.5 volts. Before testing your Passat's battery, examine the basic things. If we assume the battery is 56 Ah, the consumption is at most 56 Ah / (14*24 h) = 0.17 A, assuming the battery would be empty after 14 days (which would mean the power saving mode is pointless). You . (Ideal Range) Park the car in front of a garage door or wall, where you can see the headlights clearly. If the vehicle has a voltmeter gauge or a voltage display on the Driver Information Center (DIC), you may see the voltage move up or down. Start engine, check battery WITH load - 13.7v. A circuit in the PCM cycles the battery side of the generator field up to 100 times per second. With the bike running, the voltage continues to drop to less than 6V. Only when it is fully charged. Battery Voltage 13.7 volts for a "fully charged" battery while running is about right. Ideally, you should never let your power source reach below 50% SOC, meaning that you should keep it at 12.1V or higher, looking at the chart above. If your battery drops to 8 volts during the load test . The voltage must be around 12.4 - 12.6 volts. If sensed battery voltage is 0.5 volts or lower. Nominal battery voltage describes the voltage of a battery in the middle of its discharge cycle. Most times it would be upto like 13,8 is to trickle charge or take a while to charge a 12v battery. The easiest method to check the alternator is by measuring the voltage at the battery terminals when the engine . The normal life span of a battery is 5 years depending on the climate the car is operated in and use. should see 30 amps output . How Many Volts Is A Car Battery? Aug 23, 2022. You should see 13.2 to 14.8 V with less than a 10 amp load. After sitting for a short time, the battery is back up to 12V. #1. Losing battery voltage overnight depends on the battery's health and storage ability. BrApple said: Would a voltage lower then 12.5~12.6, which is normal for a good 12 volt battery effect the ability of the car to start. The potential fixes are presented in a good way to check your car. Benton, AR. A fully charged 12 volt battery will show 12.6 volts. An important thing to note is if you see a negative reading, this simply means you have got the leads the wrong way around and are touching positive to negative, negative to positive. The serpentine belt that turns the alternator is top of the list. QtrHorse said: As FM stated, the battery needs to be tested under a load. Since new battery the volt reading . It does fluctuate a bit 14.4 - 14.1. This is why a load test is important for your battery after checking the voltage. As mentioned above cold weather needs to be considered as this will decrease the voltage and increase the amount of power to turn over a cold engine. Press the negative probe to the negative (-) post of the battery and the positive probe to the positive (+) battery post. For example, most lithium ion batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.6 volts. Location. If the battery isn't fully charged, it will diminish to 12.4V at 75%, 12V when it's only operating at 25%, and down to 11.9V when it's completely discharged. When that happens, sulfation begins to diminish both capacity and performance. The alternator has a regulator switch which ensures only the right voltage is passed to the battery. This is called the "open-cell" or "resting" voltage of the battery. On the high side, batteries can last up to 8 years but most begin to fail after five, depending on use. When the engine is running, battery voltage will typically rise to 13.5 to 14.5 volts. LEARN MORE Subscribe to the OPTIMA Batteries Logging is at 0.25 sec. Still, it's perfectly normal for others to see the alternator not charge at all intermittently. . In this case, the end voltage is usually set to 9.60V. While the vehicle is running, it should be 13.5-14.4V and while off, should be 12-12.5V. This means your car battery is storing 12.6 volts, and sometimes slightly higher, at a full charge. This is the normal voltage range for an alternator that is charging the battery well. 12.3 volts. Normal voltage for the 34M BLUETOP is about 12.6-12.8 volts. The easiest method to check the alternator is by measuring the voltage at the battery terminals when the engine is running. May 28, 2010. Applying a load, say your headlights, for a short time will immediately drop the voltage to 12.6.

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