myths about menstruation in africa

Most of them will use pieces of cloth and banana leaf was an option to some. Ultimately, Lord Indra was cursed by the Brahman. Menstrual Hygiene Day takes place every year on 28 May. To other people he continued the loss of blood was a loss of life. Myth 5: Periods are some kind of disease. Misogyny and patriarchy have otherised women's bodies from human anatomy and rendered them sexual, grotesque or godly. Most girls get their first period between the ages of 10 and 15. Killing and eating of certain animals Myths about menstruation. To me, I believe this taboo is nothing but a preemptive measure put in place to avoid the odd situation of causing uncontrollable jealousy, disaffection and bad blood amongst blood sisters, a problem which can easily get out of hand and set the whole house on fire because it can never be easily managed. Sex on your period. 10/15/2019. The fact is that breastfeeding is a healthy way to feed your baby. It can affect the ability to concentrate and makes us more . EMPOWER GIRLS Safe materials and practices prevent rashes and infections. Myth: It is believed that it is normal to have periods after exactly a month for all women. A menstrual period is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining. Her affection, care and adroit hands while cooking . Myths of African Traditional Religions Introduction . Prepare to be wowed out of your boots by the following larger than life myths. Africa's population is dying off: This is a common misconception. Even for the remaining 80%, it is not "just like a headache". In fact, the whole idea of menstruation is seen as a sign that the woman has done something wrong. They report drying menstrual cloths in private and dark. Women are alienated during their periods. The history of menstruation is cloaked in myths and misunderstanding. Advertisements. The Western world and ancient Greece have neither a monopoly nor a patent on the forms of government we now know and value as "democracy.". Myth: Menstrual Cycles Should Be 28 days Long. Your menstrual cycle occurs because your body is priming itself for pregnancy. You cannot get pregnant if you have unprotected sex while menstruating. Ethiopia.700w.UN064407.jpg When a girl first menstruates, she must go through the menarcheal rite, which involves isolation from others and avoiding certain activities. In this article: 13 Myths About Menstruation: Period Myths And Facts. Dorcas Ganda confers with a worker in the Manicaland district gold mine she owns with her husband in Penhalonga, Zimbabwe. Myth 5: You Cannot Get Pregnant When You Are Menstruating. In the older cultures menstruating women were considered not as dirty but as evil and dangerous says Derek Llewellyn-Jones author of 'Everywoman'. Its true but now that menstrual cups and tampons are created so, a woman can easily swim even during her periods. Women continue to have their period until their late 40s or early 50s. Male miners used to think menstruating women brought bad luck. Menstruation is often seen as a taboo subject in many communities within the African region. According to BBC reports, in certain regions of the country, it is believed that a woman should not shower while on her period. Seen as an impurity or even a disease, menstrual blood is managed in secret. You cannot swim on your periods. Here are a few examples of period myths: You can't touch anyone or anything in the house. Myth 4: Periods come once in 28 days for all. The number of day of the menstruation, ovulation day and length of days the sperm lives contributes to making this possible. In the Middle East and North Africa region, we . Myth 1: Periods are a monthly deal. Fact: It is possible for a woman to get pregnant while menstruating although the chances are lower. Musiyazviriyo says that men sometimes even use these myths as a way to steal profits from their female co-workers. 34 In India, only 54% of girls reported attending school while menstruating. Facts about menstruation Enough of the myths. Menstruation in synchrony with the moon is widely assumed in myths and traditions as a ritual ideal. Taboos and myths are circulated among everyone. Myth 3: Menstrual bleeding makes women weak and unhealthy. We are not talking about headaches or sprains. This is amongst the common menstrual taboos in India. Despite this, strange myths about periods still prevail around the world - in some cases being used to oppress women. In 2014 UNESCO reported that an estimated 10% of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa do not go to school while menstruating. 15 Interesting Myths And Legends In African Mythology. Menstruation is still shrouded in shame and secrecy, and period myths are symptomatic of that. Many organizations are working to help mend this disconnect. Menstruation is a part of our wellbeing that is often not discussed and, in some cases, stigmatized. Menstruation is a crucial biological process. 1. While 28 days is just the average, a woman's menstrual cycle can range anywhere between 21 to 40 days. According to the Serer myth, the creation of the earth began from a swamp. Fact: Periods usually occur once a month but the normal cycle of each woman varies. The idea that menstruation and the moon are somehow in sync likely originated when there were no calendars or digital devices to track periods. Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) . In reality, Africa's the world's oldest populated area, and the second largest continent on the planet. In the days leading up to a woman's period . Myth 4: Menstrual products are the answer to the menstrual crisis Disposable and cloth pads, menstrual cups and tampons are not the solution to the menstrual crisis, argues Bobel in her book.. Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus and the remnants of the unfertilized egg. The word menstruation derives from Latin and Greek words meaning month ( mensis) and moon ( mene ). However, the words used in ATR reference were not true because Africans were already aware of religion and believed in the Supreme Being. In some cultures, menstruating women are seen as carrying a contagious disease. Menstrual cycle, menstruation or menses is still a taboo topic in India. You can't workout during your period. Across the continent of Africa, a wide variety of menstruation-related customs have been recorded. In Africa, 1 out of 10 girls will drop out of school because they cannot afford sanitary towels. All too often when people talk about this vibrant, diverse continent that's home to over 54 independent countries and 1 billion humans - they reduce it down to a single nation.. Otherwise, it can be a dangerous belief. Let Prajapati shed the seed; let Dhatr place the embryo in you. Experiencing trauma can alter our nervous system 's threat detection capacities, keeping us constantly on edge and on high alert for danger. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa estimates that women account for up to 30% of the artisanal and small-scale mining workforce globally, and up to 50% in Africa. There are several rituals, customs and myths associated with this natural process and not just in India, but across the world. Studies for individual countries exist and show that girls do miss school on their periods. You shouldn't wash your hair until the third or fourth day of your . The most common symptoms during PMS include changes in appetite, backaches, acne, bloating, headaches, depression, feelings of sadness, tension or anxiety, irritability, sweating, tender breasts,. In addition, many women and girls lack access to safe and hygienic materials. The oil can provide " food for bacteria ," hence causing outbreaks or inflammation. These are some of the common myths surrounding menstruation in Afghanistan, where the topic is taboo and girls learn to see it as something negative, shameful or dirty. In a Ugandan study of rural schoolgirls, nearly two-thirds said they miss school at least once per month because of menstruation. A Viennese . A window closes When girls hit puberty and begin menstruation, they can see their opportunities radically diminish. Africa's population is estimated to hit just shy of 2 billion people in the next decade. No meat, no rice, no vegetables, no sour foods, no drinking cold water, no sitting on wet ground, and no washing. Fact: It's perfectly normal to have a cycle that isn't 28 days long. It continues with an increase in the hormone estrogen, and the lining of the uterus becomes thick and spongy again (typically days 6-8). According to a legend, angry Lord Indra severed the head of Vishwaroopacharya (the teacher of Gods) because Indra was not able to pronounce his name. New moms get a lot of baby advice. A menstruating woman should not go to the kitchen! Anyone. However, he got rid of it by distributing the curse among land, tree and . In many cultures, women are . The decision to breastfeed is a personal one. Menstruation is the natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from the uterus exits through the vagina. 2. Menstruation is a taboo issue in the community. We spoke to the self-proclaimed Minister of Menstruation, Candice Chirwa, about South African period myths and taboos. But there . There's a very real physical change in a woman's body during this time. Menstruating girls and women are also restricted from offering prayers and touching holy books. When she stated: "If you can afford to give boys free condoms, you can afford to give girls free tampons. Tampons were generally unheard of in rural areas. Mood swings and irritability. . Menstruation is a disease. 1. A woman is a basic unit, in terms of sociology, and the soul of a family in terms of literature. Sou-Jie van Brunnersum. The unmentionable menstruation Africans are primarily tribal peoples; Africans are organized first and foremost into tribes while Europeans are primarily organized into nations. . Good menstrual hygiene allows more girls to go to school. [ 6] The underlying basis for this myth is also the cultural beliefs of impurity associated with menstruation. This is because on an average the menstrual cycle for most women is 28 days and the menstruation period for most women is for five days.. This myth about menstruation needs some knowledge to be understood. Menstruation myth and facts in India- the Vedas. During your period, it discharges blood . Explaining the persistent myths concerning women's menstrual cycles, Moloi says there are still many young women who need accurate information on and a thorough explanation of sexual activity and how it can affect the menstrual cycle. 19th Century Brits thought menstruating women ruined food. Myth #1: You can't get pregnant while on your period. Asia's tampon taboo. Headache and fatigue. Organisations frequently use this statistic to raise awareness about menstruation as a barrier to girls' education but it doesn't have a source. [2] Furthermore, stereotypes arising from the Hindu faith prohibit women . Here are some of them. Based on these assessments, there was an overwhelming concern of young women experiencing menstrual pain and lack of emergency supplies in schools. Myth 2: Menstrual blood stinks a lot. Menstruation myths- 10 Myths about periods A menstruating woman should not go to the kitchen. It begins with menstruation (considered day 1 of the cycle). According to a study conducted by Africa-UN Women in Cameroon, the difficulties encountered by women during their menstruation have a considerable impact on their daily lives: 31% (one in three women) do not continue their occupation and activities during their period; the activities most likely affected by the menstruation period are mainly . We spoke to the self-proclaimed Minister of Menstruation, Candice Chirwa, about South African period myths and taboos. To make matters worse, there is a plethora of myths and taboos surrounding this topic. Bangladesh - Old menstrual cloths must be buried otherwise they could attract evil spirits. The fact that heathen and paganism refer to people with no religion, and nobody worshipped . PUT A PERIOD ON PERIOD MYTHS: Period, menstruation, or the ever famous "down time" in India, no matter by which name you address the blood gushing from down there, the fact remains, bleeding . Despite the sexual and reproductive health education . The average lunar cycle (around 29.5 days) became a guide for menstrual cycles, too. MYTH: When you get your period for the first time, don't take a bath, just pour water over your head 3 . The menstrual pain is a medical condition called Dysmenorrhea. It is further believed that menstruating women are unhygienic and unclean and hence the food they prepare or handle can get contaminated. Bolivia - It is important not to hug or cradle young babies as you could cause them to get ill. Brazil - Walking barefoot while on your period can cause cramps. In a region where many communities chastise unmarried women for not being "virgins," tampons, believed by some to cause hymen breakage, are . In Hindu holy texts, menstruation is believed to be a curse on womanhood. #1 AFRICA IS A COUNTRY. Menstruation Myths In Madagascar. In the past, periods were only talked about in whispers, if at all. So, sex in the last days is able to impregnate the woman. Myth: Trauma changes your brain forever. The Kung people of southern Africa believe that menstrual blood is a powerful life force, and a girl's first menstruation is believed to contain powerful num, or spiritual energy. They are treated as untouchable, sometimes even locked up in a shed outside the main house to prevent them from spreading their 'disease'. The account is linked to the first trees created by roog. A country, Africa definitely is not. Pliny the Elder, the Ancient Roman philosopher who gave us "Home is where the heart is", also wrote that menstrual blood could turn dogs mad, wither crops and trees, and, if exposed to lightning, ward off "hailstorms and whirlwinds". Although people usually mean well, not all of their advice is based on fact. Information opens doors and minds to women. Period pain is a bad sign and other period myths! . While it's high time we talk about periods openly, so is time for us to stop believing . The belief here is that if a woman has unprotected sex during her period, it is unlikely that she will get pregnant if she menstruates regularly. False. 1. Approximately 20% of women have dysmenorrhea which is so severe that it hampers with their daily activities. Myth 1: Menstrual pain is just like a headache. In South Asia, the origin of myths considering menstruation to be "dirty" and "impure" date back to the Vedic times and have been linked to the myth of Indra's slaying of Vritras, where the guilt of this murder appears every month as women's menstrual flow. Learning about menstruation and developing healthy habits to deal with "it" or help friends and sisters deal with "it" is crucial. Myth Two. 8. The History of Menstrual Hygiene. The Serer Creation Myth. Myth 1: Menstrual blood is bad blood. Condoms v tampons In 2015, an online debate erupted as a result of a tweet by a feminist and filmmaker in England who goes by the name @molssimp.

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