need contingency attorney for inheritance theft

And oil rights and deeds . I have been overly patient and passive in this situation and it is starting to affect me psychologically. She stepped in and robbed the family. Just a costly legal battle to appeal or charge the man who wrote the trust with malpractice. My problem comes where his siblings want sole ownership of what rightfully belongs to his wife and children. Source: I do not know about the status of the investments, or the status of my uncles or great grandfathers business ventures or investments. My son is single right now & was never married his girlfriend even though they have 2 son,s . My dad doesnt even know how to access his checking account but trusts my sister implicitly even though I know she is a complete narcissist and hates my guts. where my mother and judge can talk about how everything is to be divided up. They all want my Money ! Shenmade me a contingency took out a loan on mine. Texas Contingent Probate Lawyer, Jason Coomer, represents heirs, family members, and beneficiaries that need to collect probate assets, death benefits, and other inheritance. Im going through very tough times and they keep bringing it up but only giving me half truths. I have the case number an perfect file documents. Make one of your two executors a non-family professional, such as a trust company, a financial planner, or an attorney. Greed; a horrible thing, My younger brother and his wife living with my mom,originally the house belonged to my dad,when he passed on without a will my mom put the house in her name,my younger brother then went and put the house in him and his wifes name without consulting the other six siblings,question is can the other siblings challenge the legitimacy of the new title deeds naming him and his wife as owners. In her weird mind that was enough. Can he do this. She got in van, used to transport him and said can she try , she lied to me and n=i called the supervisor of intensive care she stated, My father was never to leave without his IV medication. Its gross they did just about everything you spoke on your writings. Its been 5 years. Steven- thank you for sharing your experience. That nun stole my wifes entire inheritance by having having a trust created for my wifes aunt and uncle and making herself the beneficiary before they died. And, this was her favorite child. The standard contingency fee for an attorney is a percentage amount rather than a fixed amount. the Texas Contingent Probate Lawyer or Texas Contingent Death . Father lamented. My father was a victim of poor trust planning. He also made us kids executors. Dad remarried 1986. The best method of protecting your wishes is through a well-written estate plan. The is only paid if you receive money. My dad and I werent close, but neither were he and my brother. With some letter appearing have nowhere since 2003 and nobody being informed of changes. She resented the attention my father gave me and saw that I got so little I didnt keep the amount. The nature of a contingency fee is that the client pays fees to a lawyer only if the lawyer handles the case successfully. Be open with your entire family about your wishes. If the attorney is willing to represent you on a contingency basis, she will generally offer a free consultation. she is trying to get a quick sale on the home and has not honored what her mother had stated. Additionally, when you own estates or nay assets, consulting a financial planner would always be the best option if you want to know how to have security for years to come. And because my mom doesnt live close by my uncles ex still living in the house my grandmother owned still getting checks from the oil in my grandfathers namehow would she be able to cash it.they are all named the same great grand dad being sr, then grandpa is jr, and my uncle was the 3rd. .Many of our Texas estate dispute clients prefer the contingency fee arrangement because it motivates your attorney to get you the most inheritance possible and in the shortest time possible. I need help on what to do, FIND A LAWYER BUT GO TO THE ASSESSORS SECURE YOUR PROPERTY I loved with my mother and step dad for over a year to help them and help care for my mother who had End stage copd and my stepdad, who was basically my father, who had multiple diseased from agent orange exposure while in Vietnam. At least that way your actual family members will get a portion of your assets and not someone elses family. It leaked to another relative when they reported that they deserved her money and werent calling us until all was set up. My second posting . The Hartford is not responsible for and makes no representation or warranty regarding the contents, completeness, accuracy or security of any material within this article or on such sites. He did this without telling her. AND GOD ANIT PLEASED. I had a copy that was not notarized, and she gave a lot of her things away and I got her to initial and date it as she did these things. He didnt have any payments for purchases the whole time and only had utilities payments. She did make out her will and name my brother the executor and I was given the estate . And throw him out, evict him, if he is residing there. Both parents are deceased leaving their 1.4 million homestead in a family Trust & Estate property worth another approximate mil. She was never a very social person and she became more withdrawn after his death. It left out my father and me. If a person dies and has money in stock bond municipalities and family members are fighting guess who steals the estate.The probate lawyer and stockbroker! I was a kid I didnt know all the things were bad I thought is was love. He has stated to me that he would remarry her if it doesnt effect anything. Plus the uncle willing came forward and donated his house to be used. But to undo what she did would cost tens of thousands of dollars. Ignoring communication with the beneficiaries. My mother passed 2 yrs ago. Can I sue my brother for the return of the gold? She lived next door, and her Alzheimers was apparent. The two of them kept it quiet & worked it out unbeknownst to parents. Is it weird, if the intent was to have me involved that they would make an effort to to contact me. Did we have a right to be heard? To try and teach us severally disabled a lesson. A contingency fee agreement is a type of retainer agreement in which an attorney agrees to litigate your case without being paid until money or property is distributed to you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. at the farm house that also belonged to mom and dad. In the middle of the year of 2021 my sister had a power of attorney and got another sister to join in this but will allow full control over their income and all of their actions due to the conditions that stands with both parents. My 2 nieces and their husband have came into my family who adopted me 35 years earlier and have stole everything by inheritance theft and have got away with it. My younger brothers were to get nothing. This was in 2016 but I was at least a 50/50 hier and mu grandparents had plots at cemetery and always told me he had a will and it didnt change when my grandma died which supposedly had Lans in it for me. My mom and dad have been divorced for years. I was hurt in CA in 2003. Yes to the people who advised not giving one person all the power in your will because you have just placed that person in the position of doing things with your money that you likely did not foresee (unless you intended for one of your children to steal the majority of your money to build themselves a little empire, and pay their friends handsomely, and assign to themselves the property you intended to be split equally, and intentionally divide the family, and pay their corrupt elder law attorney many tens of thousands out of the estate money, andthis is importantremember YOU with bitter disappointment because what you arranged to give to your beneficiaries was your last statement and act of love to them, so dont screw it up and be overly trusting OR, even worse, deliberately punish the children you think did not love or obey you mostsometimes the love you are given by one child in your later years is simply an act with dollar signs flashing within their greedy brain. I was adopted by my grand father AT 13 AND HE always told me he had my kids and us set up Id anything happens to him. My aunt is not to be trusted because she is reactive. Thankfully my Dad had the foresight to make me executor and named on all of his financial accounts. and sold or gave away the rest including his car. while caring for his step mom in the presence of witnesses she stated she would like her daughter to honor to her wishes and to split everything down the middle. I was told I could have a death certificate from a relative, I said ,Yes I would like one.Then everyone yelled , No! So, I didnt get the death certificate. According to Valerie Rind, author of the bookGold Diggers and Deadbeat Dads, the first thing you need to do is consult a lawyer who specializes in trusts and estate work. I really need a contingency lawyer to help. In Sept of 2021 my grandmother passed away and after reading this article I would say my case falls under manipulation of my inheritance from other family members that were with here while she was doing her will and left me 75 a month till supposedly her money runs out who can help me? I am a widow and my son is trying to take over the ownership of my home. Theaverage flat feefor a relatively simple estate plan is about $1,000-$1,200, although costs can range much higher for larger and more complex estates. When money is the motivator, people will do ANYTHINGevil and manipulativeto gain their goal. I dont know where to go from here. To call me either, however I call asked if they recieved my forms or not and would like a status update!!? He even filed an affidavit of fault. Need advise and know I should seek legal advise and have to no relief. I found out he died when I went to state to get a copy of my mothers death certificate. Have friendn famuly n trusted attorney all fully know you n your wishes. He was dying at the time. My husband and I are thinking about this now that we have retired, and these tips will be really useful to find an attorney that will help us make the best choices. I was done the same way with my father telling me for decades what he wanted for me to get everything and make sure she got what they acquired together like furniture appliances bedding , but he got cancer and she undue influence manipulated him into changing the will to add her an what he didnt realize and the crooked attorney never told him that now, the will reads that she gets all furniture etc and then we split the house and truck, I was the executor. A week after his death she transferred the home into her name and TOD to he own son at her death. I need a lawyer to find out for me and help me get my part. At this point, I have found out that the trust that was established in 1993, was terminated shortly after her death in 2011. Another case, im a lein holder on attorney i had that passed away he was paid in advance, his family is not adhereing to laws ,service, nothing, im proper i requested as lein hlder fees be charged her fines,Judge honored. It is so sad that this war will cause a rift between families resulting in them not being able to see their grandchildren yet they dont see that now all they want is money. He did not have any children. I dont have this kind of money! She asked for the will the night before going into heart surgery w/o time to hire an attorney. Please respond back to me,at my email. You can also change your will anytime you like, and its prudent to review it every few years to make sure that everything is still up to date. We have no idea of what to do because of course this is the first time seeing this and not knowing of how the law is. It sounds like a good place to start may be contacting a lawyer. Maybe different methods of leaving assets, different types of wills, and more widespread information. Im scared their putting us on the streets, we have small children and no money! I need help with saving my familys inheritance from a thief. They went on all kinds of excursions and hunting trips. Requiring two co-trustees and asking for dual signatures on all financial paperwork can help ensure that no one abuses their power as a trustee. Here is where things get difficult. Source: My grandma died and some people came and told me I have assets. And then uses this to try and get money from bank. Scum bags of tbe highest degree. Now we have no information about the papers of those assets. And also sold the stocks and bonds that I was supposed to get before mom died and said she needed the money to take care of mom for the last 4yrs that she lived. Bank, everything. I can let this go I dont expect money I just want justice and closure. my question is does my friend have any legal rights to contest and he has witnesses to speak on his behalf of what her wishes were before she passed. I am traumatized and wanting Justice for my father. It was holidays and they were out of town. She sold her jewelry to a pawn shop and then sold her land because she had money problems. still in my Dads Mutual Fund account. I have no clue where to look considering trusts are Not Public data. there just cons and snakes !! He set up a family friend, about 10 years older than me, to be executor of his estate. PS ; I wish I had asked Father< WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR MONEY ??? I want everything done on the up and up. Such a plan includes a detailed will, a power of attorney, and trusts for your assets. as he was caring for her, she requested for her daughter. we maybe meet for 15 minutes and thats because she was passing threw from vacation. Thats is sanctions I do believe. I wish there was real help out there for all of us . In the time that my brother had the bank card he purchased an entire heating and cooling system inside and out for his house and withdrew at least twice a week 800.00 each time for right at 30 days. My sister fraudulently claimed for 11 days that she was named the executor of a will that supposedly my mother had left with instructions in a case of her passing. In an estate related contingency fee arrangement, the attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often 40%) of the total recovery. I even hold a SOUTH CAROLINA TITLE CLEARNING FORM THAT WAS FIED IN CLECK OF COURT IN MARION, SC 29571, AS WELL. Well she has sold the house and paid of what ever creditors and I want my house back or I want her accountable to me the rightful heir. Trustee brother sold homestead to Administrator/doctor for 1/4 of property value. My father died in 2019. Under surviving spousal rights our family lost all things of value as well as sentimental items. They are as old as she is. As a victim, you do have the option to make a criminal complaint and ask the district attorney to prosecute your sibling, either when you suspect theft, or have proven they stole your assets or inheritance from the estate. How much in legal fees for this one will be reasonable, nobody claiming, just me. They have created several very large successful businesses. That means: No jail time is involved. my father and my uncle are sharing a large sum of money from property left to them in a will that has now been sold. Shane, But I cant find a dime other than the chump change I have in the bank of my own. She revoked and now, we get nothing. To learn more about probate litigation, you can visit our website here. You should always consult a professional. And I will lose my wife and family to. If all her papers her official will, and her Ad&d insurance papers were missing. My aunts house Had been abandoned for two years after death , no will, I went to Florida to say my goodbyes while she was dying at the nursing home, any way, 2 years later a purple leaf properties called and said they wanted to buy my aunts house for 60,000, then it went down to 40,000 and he said my mom who is incapacitated we get 15,000 and my mothers brother will get another 15,000 then the property manager called me again and told me that he wanted the key to my aunts house so I sent it to him then he drop the price down for me $2000 and then he had the guardian for my mom take the money and put it in a trust fund for 15,000 uncle got his money a month later 15,000 for signing some type of probate paper for the courts I didnt get any money yet but I got mad and told him that the lawyer called and said that they could take the money from the house and split it between all the heirs that me and my brother would get half and half because my mom is incapacitated. 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