Island County Collective Bargaining Agreement

Island County Collective Bargaining Agreement: What You Need to Know

Collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) are contracts between employers and employee unions that detail the terms and conditions of employment. In Island County, Washington, the collective bargaining agreement between the county government and the union representing its employees is an important document that affects the lives and livelihoods of many workers. Here`s what you need to know about the Island County CBA.


The Island County CBA covers more than 400 employees who work in diverse areas such as law enforcement, public works, health services, and administrative support. The current agreement, which runs from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2022, was ratified by the county commissioners and the Island County Deputy Sheriffs` Guild, the largest union representing county employees.

Key Provisions

The Island County CBA includes provisions that cover wages, benefits, working conditions, and other employment-related issues. Some of the key provisions of the current agreement include:

1. Wages: Employees covered by the CBA receive pay raises of 2.5% in 2021 and 2.5% in 2022. The agreement also includes a “step” system that allows employees to earn additional pay based on experience and job performance.

2. Health Care: The county pays a portion of employees` health care premiums, and the agreement includes provisions for health care benefits and coverage.

3. Sick Leave: Employees earn sick leave based on the number of hours worked, and can accumulate up to 960 hours of sick leave. The agreement also allows employees to use sick leave to care for family members.

4. Holidays and Vacation: The county observes 11 paid holidays, and employees earn vacation time based on their years of service.

5. Grievance Procedure: The CBA includes a process for employees to file grievances and for resolving disputes between the union and the county.

SEO Implications

As a professional, it`s important to keep in mind the search terms and phrases that readers are likely to use when looking for information about the Island County CBA. Some potential keywords include “Island County union contract,” “Island County employee benefits,” and “Island County collective bargaining.” By using these keywords in the title and throughout the article, you can help ensure that the article shows up in search results for these terms.

In summary, the Island County Collective Bargaining Agreement is an important document that affects the lives of many public employees in Island County. As a professional, it`s important to keep in mind the keywords and phrases that readers may be searching for when writing about this topic.